Monday 3 October 2016

Bangkok to Phnom Penh by bus.

We are just a short distance from the Northern Bus Terminal at Mo Chit,so I made my way
                      there arriving at 5am ,the bus leaves at 5.30am.

It's a single deck bus left-hand drive in preparation for driving on the Cambodian roads.
The bus company provided basic refreshments and snacks for your journey and the seating
was comfortable,we arrived at the Cambodian border about four hours later,the bus waits for
                     you on the Cambodian side near their immigration offices.

I think you could save time by getting a Cambodian e-visa on the internet,there can be long
queues on the Thailand side which make you wonder  whether the Bus will still be waiting
                          when you finally complete the immigration detail.

When we finally negotiated and completed all the necessary form filling to satisfy  immigration
and finally made it back on the bus,I was surprised to see there were others behind me.
The Bus company then provided a hot packed lunch which was very tasty.
After two hours of arriving at the Cambodian border, we finally got underway.

It soon became obvious why they chose the left-hand drive vehicles the roads in Cambodia
                                are not to the same standard as Thailand.
The driver is constantly sounding the horn to warn others,there seems a highway code that
applies to Cambodians only and although you can see some scary moves you get through
It was dark when we arrived in Phnom Penh I was advised to leave the bus before its final
                                          stop, it was closer to my hotel.
I just gave the tuk-tuk driver a street number and the name of the hotel and he set off we were
traveling for about 20minutes, and I was beginning to think he must have misunderstood my
instructions,then he suddenly stopped and pointing to the sign he said your hotel,I was so
impressed I booked him for my trip to the Thailand Embassy the following morning.

Tuk-tuks are available always and are reasonably priced open for bartering if you think they
are asking too much.nearly all transaction are in US$ even the ATM pay out in $
The markets are a popular attraction,I managed the Central Market it was a good
experience,you are not pressured into buying like in other Asian Countries,but there are
                                                  many bargains.

I found prices very reasonable people friendly and a quite relaxed atmosphere in Phnom Penh